Faculty Scholarship - C

Campbell, Jeremy

Manuela Carneiro da Cunha, Ruben Caixeta, Jeremy M. Campbell, Carlos Fausto, José Antonio Kelly, Claudio Lomnitz, Carlos D. Londoño Sulkin, Caio Pompeia, and Aparecida Vilaça (2017). HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 2017 7 (2), 403-426. 

Campbell, Jeremy M. 2017. Review of Amazonian Routes: Indigenous Mobility and Colonial Communities in Northern Brazil, by Heather F. Roller. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 22(3).

Campbell, Jeremy M. 2016.by Pauline von Hellerman. PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review 38(Online Supplement): 4-6. 

Campbell, Jeremy M. University of Washington Press, 2015. 

Winner of the 2017 James M. Blaut Book Award from the American Association of Geographers.
Honorable Mention, Association for Political and Legal Anthropology Book Prize (2016).
Campbel Jeremy M. 2015 The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 20 (1). 

Campbell, Jeremy M. 2015. “The Land Question in Amazonia: Cadastral Knowledge and Ignorance in Brazil’s Tenure Regularization Program,” PoLAR: The Political and Legal Anthropology Review 38(1): 147-67.

Campbell, Jeremy M. 2015 "The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 19 (2). 

Campbell, Jeremy M 2014 The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 19 (2).

Campbell, Jeremy M. 2013. Political and Legal Anthropology Review 36 (1). 

Campbell, Jeremy M. 2013. Tipiti: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America. 11 (1). 

Campbell, Jeremy M. 2012. Mobilities 7 (4): 481-500. 

Campbell, Jeremy M. 2012. American Anthropologist 114 (3): 547-548. 

Campbell, Jeremy M. 2012. Boletin De Anthropologia 27 (44): 102-126. 

Campbell, Jeremy M. 2005.Journal Latin American Studies 37 (4).

Canestrari, Alan

Canestrari, A. S., & Marlowe, B. A.. (Eds.). (2018).  Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. 

Canestrari, Alan and Ann G. Winfield. 2013. "Beware Reformers Bearing Gifts: How the Right Uses the Language of Social Justice to Reinforce Inequity." In Becoming and being a Teacher, edited by Thomas, P. L. New York: Peter Lang Publishers.

Canestrari, Alan and Bruce A. Marlowe.2013. Educational Foundations: An Anthology of Critical Readings. 3rd Edition ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Thombs, Margaret, Maureen Gillis, and Alan Canestrari. . Corwin Press, 2009. 

Marlowe, Bruce, and Alan Canestrari. Sage Publications, 2006. 

Canestrari, Alan and Bruce A. Marlowe. 2005.  "." Encounter (18) 4. 

Canestrari, Alan. 2005. "Social studies and geography: beyond rote memorization." In Integrating Inquiry Across the Curriculum, edited by Richard H. Audet and Linda K. Jordan. Corwin Press.

Canestrari, Alan, and Bruce Marlowe. . Sage Publications, 2004. 

Carranza, Luis

Carranza, Luis E., editor. New York : Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, 2014. 

Carranza, Luis E., and Fernando Luiz Lara.  University of Texas Press, 2014. 

Carranza, Luis E. University of Texas Press, 2010. 

Carrington, Charlotte

Carrington-Farmer, Charlotte. "The Rise and Fall of the Narragansett Pacer." Rhode Island History, vol. 76, no. 1, Winter/Spring 2018, pp. 1-38.

Carrington, Charlotte. "Thomas Morton." Atlantic Biographies: Individuals and Peoples in the Atlantic World, edited by Jeffrey A. Fortin and Mark Meuwese, Brill, 2014.

Case, Margaret

Case, M. (2018). Persuasions-online, 38(2). 

Pettit, Alexander, Margaret Case, and Anna C. Patchias, editors. , by Eliza Fowler Haywood, Broadview Press, 2004. 

Clark, Geoffrey

Clark, Geoffrey. Asylum Arts, 1993. 

Clark, Geoffrey, editor. Ampersand Press, 1990. 

Clark, Geoffrey.  Story Press, 1988. 

Clark, Geoffrey. Story Press, 1983. 

Crotty, Robert, Robert McRoberts, and Geoffrey Clark, compilers.  Cummings Pub. Co., 1971. 

Colin, Sean

Lucas, K.N., *N. Johnson, W.T. Beaulieu, *E. Cathcart, *G. Tirrell, S.P. Colin, B.J. Gemmell, J.O. Dabiri, J.H. Costello. 2014. Nature Communication.  in press. (*undergraduate Students) 

Lucas, K., Sean P. Colin, J.H. Costello, K. Katija, E. Klos.  2013. The Biological Bulletin 225: 60-70. 

Colin Sean P., John H. Costello, Kakani Katija, Jamie Seymour, Kristen Kiefer.  2013. Plos One 8 (2): 1-12. 

Dabiri, J.O., S. Bose, Gemmell, S.P.Colin, J.H. Costello.2013.  Journal of Experimental Biology, in press. 

Gemmell, B., Costello, J.H., Colin, S.P., Dabiri, J.O. 2013. PNAS. doi:10.1073/pnas.1306983110. 

Colin, Sean P.,  J.H. Costello, J.O. Dabiri, A. Villanueva, J.B. Blottman, B. J. Gemmell, S. Priya. 2012. Plos One 7 (11): e48909. 

Santhanakrishnan, Arvind, Makani Dollinger, Christina L. Hamlet, Sean P. Colin and Laura A. Miller. 2012. Journal of Experimental Biology 215 (14): 2369-2381. 

Titelman, Josefin, Lars Johan Hansson, Trygve Nilsen, Sean P. Colin, and John H. Costello  2012. 690(1):181-187. 

Acuña, Jose Luis,  Ángel López-Urrutia, and Sean P. Colin. 2011. Science 333, (6049):1627-1629. 

Blough, T., Sean P.  Colin, J.H. Costello, A.C. Marques. 2011. The Biological Bulletin 220, (1):6-14. 

Katija, Kakani, Wesley T. Beaulieu, Charlotte Regula, Sean P. Colin, John H. Costello, John O. Dabiri. 2011. Marine Ecology Progress Series 435:111-123. 

Katija, Kakani, Sean P. Colin, John H. Costello, John O. Dabiri. 2011.   Journal of Visualized Experiments 56: e2615. 

Kiørboe, Thomas, Houshuo, Jiang, H. and Sean P. Colin. 2010. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277(1698): 3229-3237. 

Nawroth, J.C., K.E. Feitl, S.P. Colin, J.H. Costello, J.O. Dabiri.  2010. "Biology Letters 6 (3): 383-393. 

Colin, Sean P., J.H. Costello, L.J. Hansson, J. Titelman, and J.O. Dabiri. 2010. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107, (40): 17223-17227. 

Dabiri J.O., Sean P. Colin, K. Katija, J.H. Costello. 2010. . The Journal of Experimental Biology 213 (8):1217-1225. 

Feitl, K. E., A. F. Millett, Sean P. Colin, J.O. Dabiri, J. H.  Costello. 2009. "Functional Morphology and Fluid Interactions During Early Development of the Scyphomedusa Aurelia Aurita."  The Biological Bulletin 217 (3): 283-291. 

Graham, William M., John H. Costello, Sean P. Colin, Alenka Malej, Davor Lučić, Vladimir Onofri, Adam Benović. 2009. Annales Series Historia Naturalis 19(Supplement 2):18-26. 

Sahin, Mehmet., KamranMohseni, K., and Sean P. Colin.  2009. Journal of Experimental Biology 212 (16): 2656-2667. 

Regula, C., S.P. Colin, J.H. Costello, and H. Kordula. 2009. Marine Ecology Progress Series 374: 135-144.

Costello, John H., Sean P. Colin, M. William Graham, O. John Dabiri, Adam Benović, Davor Lučić, Vladimir Onofri, et al. 2009. "" Annales Series Historia Naturalis 19, (Supplement 2): 1-10. 

Weston, J., S.P. Colin, J.H. Costello, and E. Abbott.  2008. Marine Ecology Progress Series 374: 127-134. 

Costello, John H., Sean P. Colin and John O. Dabiri. 2008. "Invertebrate Biology 127, (3): 265-290. 

Colin, S. P., Dam, H. G. 2007. . Harmful Algae. 6: 875-882. 

Colin, S. P., Costello, J. H. 2007.J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 351: 114-120. 

Dabiri, J.O., Colin, S.P., Costello, J.H. 2007. J. Exp. Biol. 210: 1868-1873. 

Colin, S. P., Costello, J. H., and *Kordula, H. 2006. . Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 327:  143-155. 

Dabiri, J. O., Colin, S. P., and Costello, J. H. 2006. J. Exp. Biol. 209: 2025-2033. 

Colin, S. P., Costello, J. H., Graham, W. M., *Higgins, J. 2005. 50: 1264-1268.

Dabiri JO, Colin SP, Costello JH, Gharib M 2005 “” Physics of Fluids 17 (9): 091108. 

Dabiri, J. O., Colin, S. P., Costello, J. H., and Gharib, M. 2005. J. Exp. Biol. 208: 1257-1269. 

Dam, H. G. and Colin, S. P. 2005. Harmful Algae. 4:575-584. 

Klos, E., J.H. Costello, S.P. Colin and W.M. Graham. 2005.   Pages 211-216, In Proceedings of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences 24th Annual Symposium.  J.M. Godfrey and S.E. Shumway, Eds. University of Connecticut at Avery Point, Groton, CT. 

Colin, S. P. and Dam, H. G.  2004.   Evol.Ecology. 18: 355-377. 

Colin, S. P. and Costello, J. H., Klos, E. 2003. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 253: 305-309.

Colin, S. P. and Dam, H. G. 2003. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 248: 56-66. 

Colin, S. P. and Costello, J. H. 2002. . J. Exp. Biol. 203:  427-437. 

Colin, S. P. and Dam, H. G. 2002. Limnol. Oceanogr. 42: 1430-1437. 

Colin, S. P. and Dam, H. G. 2002.  Harmful Algae. 1: 113-125. 

Colin, S. P. and Kremer, P. 2002. Estuaries. 25: 70-75. 

Costello, J. H. and Colin, S. P. 2002. Limnol. Oceanogr. 47: 934-942. 

Doall, M. H., Colin, S. P., Strickler, J. R., Yen, J.  1998. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond.  353:  681-689. 

Colin, S. P. and Costello, J. H.  1996.  Sci. Mar.  60:  35-42. 

Costello, J.H. and Colin, S.P.  1995.  Mar. Biol.  124:  399-406.

Costello, J. H. and Colin, S. P.  1994.   Mar. Biol.  121:  327-334. 

Coon, Julie

Coon, Julie.  LFB Scholarly Pub. LLC, 2007. 

Cottle, Jacquline

Miles, Katherine S. and Jacquline L. Cottle. 2011. "Beyond Plain Language: A Learner-Centered Approach to Pattern Jury Instructions." Technical Communication Quarterly 20 (1): 92-112.

Randolph-Seng, B., Casa De Calvo, M. P., T. L. Zacchilli, and J. L. Cottle. 2010. "Shared Cognitions and Shared Theories: Telling More than we can Know by Ourselves?" Journal of Scientific Psychology (2010): 25-35.

McGlynn, R.P., D.J. Harding, and Jacquline L. Cottle. 2009. "Individual-Group Discontinuity in Group-Individual Interactions: Does Size Matter?"  Group Processes and Intergroup Relations 1: 129-143.

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