Cristiane Muniz & Fernando Viégas | UNA MUNIZVIEGAS

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"Work In Progress"  


Wednesday, September 20, 2023 | 6:00PM | ARCH 132 DF Pray Lecture Theatre

Cristiane Muniz and Fernando Viégas did their graduate and master’s degrees at FAUUSP, and started Una architects in 1996 with other colleagues. They have received many awards for projects and built works, such as the Brazilian Institute of Architects; Gold Medal at the IX Quadrennial of Prague; or awards at São Paulo’s International Biennials. In 2003, they joined architect Paulo Mendes da Rocha’s team in the urban project for São Paulo’s candidacy to host the 2012 Olympics. They have exhibited in the Venice Bienniale, Iberoamerican Biennial and Lisbon Triennial. The varied production in scales and programs is taken to the new studio, created in 2019. The academic experience provided by Escola da Cidade, School of Architecture and Urbanism based in São Paulo complements their practice and supports their applied research. Since 2019 Muniz has also been the faculty director and Viégas is the deputy president of the school’s sponsoring Association.

“Revealing and understanding our place in the world, both geographically as culturally, is one of the reasons we work. Furthermore, remaking, reforming, reoccupying are contemporary actions. Thus, we propose these actions as responses to reality, in conversation with pre-existences, considering the energy used to build what we have. We don’t start from a blank paper, expanding the perception of the essence of each place is fundamental. Its substance, that which subsists by itself. Cities are never ready and the transformation has been very fast in recent times. What was defined became to have diffuse limits and gain overlaps, such as the separation between countryside and city, culture and nature. 

We will present recent projects and works to discuss these ideas.” CM & FV 


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